Yilu class


  • After oblique single whip, need to use the rest of the body to emphasize the elbow. Don’t move the hand.
  • Flash the back, drop elbow kua until there is a rod under the hand.
  • Punch covering hand, went too high. Need to go straight on the line. Get stuck, tear using the kua. Until it breaks. At the end of it, use the kua. Otherwise in a fight you’ll get into a wrestling match


  • Double neg circle, use shoulder to drive hands out




  • Over. Fist over elbow. Needs to go over. Every notch in the rotation needs to go over. Practice by locking hand and moving armpits.
  • Have to use different body parts to express what going over is. When it’s over, it’s equivalent to a 360 rotation.


  • Need to go over the line like it’s a short wall. To become vertical. The hand stays on that side, the elbow goes over. Or elbow stays on this side, hand goes over.


  • Move the kua more to get that vertical going over.


  • More kua. Exaggerate it to get the focus correct, then add the regulations back.

Training method

  • 3 3 3 - Taught & train by yourself -> Corrected -> Apply corrections to original form
  • Break you to let you feel it.

Six sealing four closing

  • Back hand on body. Push with front hand until it reaches wall, then lock the front and turn backward.

  • Fighting is - On impact, can you add more? The back move propels the front forward. Every move in taiji is determined by the back hand. Hold and pull back.

  • Hou fa zhi ren 后发制人. Rear issue control people. Rear-ended control. (Mistakenly understood as after/later). If you let your opponent pull the trigger, you’re dead.

  • Going over a line, a dot, a peak - it means going over a demarcation.

#timeline #taijiquan/forms/yilu